Bethlehem Catholic High School
I am a visual arts teacher at Bethlehem Catholic High School. The subject for the last approximately 65 pieces of my artwork has been butterflies and moths. I enjoy the patterns of butterflies and moths and the challenge of creating art using this subject matter in many different ways. I am particularly interested in the eyes of the moths and butterflies. "The eyes Are the window to the soul" (16th century proverb) These works are the result of my awareness of and gratitude for the connections we all make with those around us and my belief that there are times these connections give us the ability to "see through a window" where God resides in others. The circles that are repeated in many of the works I make symbolize the connecting of ourselves to others and they in turn to us. At times the circles and dots are merely in the background of the art pieces and to me this symbolizes the experiences and connections we are yet to make in our lifetimes. Each circle represents the way in which we connect with one another. This could be through love, sorrow, a chance and brief meeting, etc. The pieces I make are intended to be viewed with comfort in the idea that we are truly more than physical beings and that through connections we are transformed.